This blog is a testament to my world. A life that functionally exists in two worlds which, at times, are seemly at odds and yet are equally similar at heart. This blog is my attempt at explaining to both worlds I live in the matters important to my heart and my life. Its my way of trying to make the two worlds I live in one while also staying true to myself as a Lesbian Christian.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Reading break

While I had a pile of work to do, I was greatly looking forward to reading break. I greatly missed my Andi, my family, and my church family, and I was quite anxious to see them all! The drive out to Calgary could not have been better. I was greeted with the most beautiful sunset as I entered the city and soon found Andi and the kids happliy waiting for me. I then traveled down to Lethbridge to see my family down there. It was great to see my parents, sister, and grandma, even if it was just a short 2 day stay. I think mother nature attempted to make me stay longer as the night before I was to set out for Calgary again I work up to 13 inches of wet snow! It took me an hour to dig my car out and then another 3.5 hours to reach Calgary (a trip which would usually take 2 hours tops).
This having been said, the weather was not the worst part of my was the partial death of my Macbook pro. Yes, thats right, I am not writing this post from my beloved mac...I am back on a windows gateway laptop my Dad got me to help me get through the remainder of term till I can get my Macbook running once again. I was saved...and I do say saved! By a member of the staff at the seminary! Pamela is a Mac superhero as far as I am concerned!  She was able to analize the problem with my computer (the hard drive had gone), she was able to retrieve all my information, and was able to do this all within a short span of hours! She is awesome! I totally owe her big time as she has saved me from hours of re-research for a major term paper!
While it was great to see my family and Andi, it almost made coming back to saskatoon that much harder. I love it here, I love my new found community, I have great friends in the city, However it is not the same as home.  
Well must get back to reading! Those papers wont write themselves! I will be posting a sermon I had to write on psalm 46 soon so stay tuned for that!

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