This blog is a testament to my world. A life that functionally exists in two worlds which, at times, are seemly at odds and yet are equally similar at heart. This blog is my attempt at explaining to both worlds I live in the matters important to my heart and my life. Its my way of trying to make the two worlds I live in one while also staying true to myself as a Lesbian Christian.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Every scar is a bridge to someones broken heart...

This week I have rediscovered Thrice's Album Vheissu and it has lyrically and melodically been making my life. This is an album I literally wore out while I was in high school. It really spoke to where I was at personally as well as spiritually then and it seems to have come full circle now. While their sound may not be for everyone...lyrically Thrice has had an increasing theological and soteriological presence throughout their discography that really anyone with an interest in such a matter can find beautiful. To my ears this is the album that really solidified their foundation as a band who had come to understand their basis spiritually to lie somewhere within Christianity. In saying this I am not saying that they are a "Christian band" as that holds a whole can of worms I never wish to associate with Thrice...but none the less it would be painful to ignore the subtle and not so subtle Christian influences coming to the forefront of their writing in this album. In someways I would even call Vheissu their own "coming out" disk of sorts as it is clear from the lyrical content that the writer at least is no longer spiritually searching for a direction but rather is in pursuit of a particular line of belief and faith. Below are a few lyrics that really stand out to me as such...

Image Of The Invisible :
we're more than carbon and chemicals
free will is ours and we can't let go
we can't allow this, the quiet cull
so we sing out this, our canticle
we are the image of the invisible
we all were lost now we are found
no one can stop us or slow us down
we are all named and we are all known
we know that we'll never walk alone
we're more than static and dial tone
we're emblematic of the unknown
raise up the banner, bend back your bows
remove the cancer, take back your souls
we are the image of the invisible

Moths To Flame :
once again the bread and wine
but it seems the meanings may be deeper still this time
and you surprised me when you said I'd fall away, don't you know me
I could never be ashamed of you, no I?
I've never been this cold, the fire's gravity compels
like planets cling to sol, I feel my orbit start to fail
like moths to flame I come, too close and all my oaths are burned
as stars begin to run, all my accusers take their turn
and calling curses down, from my lips lies like poison spill
and then that awful sound, the sound of prophesy fulfilled
and then I met your eyes, and I remember everything
and something in me dies, the night that I betrayed my king

While I find the lyrical content of Image of the Invisible to resemble a battle cry for the 21st century...I think the lyrical beauty of Moth to Flame in re-telling the betrayal of Jesus at the hands of Peter to be quite stunning and almost Psalm like. If you havnt really looked into Thrice please do. If your not a fan of the genre of music...check out their lyrics of newer stuff. They have mellowed out as the years have gone on but still have managed to maintain their melodic swells and lyrical genius.

Glad I remembered this disk. Its been making my week. I'll leave you with the track I could not live without on this album. Pretty sure it is the reason the disk got worn out...


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