This blog is a testament to my world. A life that functionally exists in two worlds which, at times, are seemly at odds and yet are equally similar at heart. This blog is my attempt at explaining to both worlds I live in the matters important to my heart and my life. Its my way of trying to make the two worlds I live in one while also staying true to myself as a Lesbian Christian.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The first year class is alive I swear...

Wow! I have almost survived my first year of seminary! The end of my first year is less then 3 weeks away and I am having a hard time believing this is in fact true. It has been a crazy ride these last few month and that is why I have not updated this blog in such a long time. I was blessed to have the opportunity to go on a cross cultural trip to Madagascar this January and I will blog about that experience this summer when I get a chance. It was the trip of a life time with more experiences and stories then any blog could ever hope to contain. That having been said I will try to give a few highlights now: rocks in rice, lemurs, 800 sunday school children in church, singing, sunshine, visiting tobys, and the beautiful people of Madagascar. Things I did not see in Madagascar: penguins.

I was also given the chance to play in the first ever Roller Derby Canadian National Championships in the West Edmonton Mall Ice palace! My team the Saskatoon Mindfox was one of the 6 teams to represent their regions and while we were an underdog we ended up winning the national championships! As the president of the seminary said upon my return, "You are a ground breaker in many ways but I believe we now lay claim to having the only Lutheran Seminary Student who is a Roller Derby National Champion." If you wish to check out our game you can watch it by following the link below!

While much has changed in my life this last term, one thing remains a constant and that is God. It has been an amazing experience coming to seminary. I would describe it almost like coming home. I know that I will be excited to begin summer holidays but I know I will miss the seminary, the professors, students, staff, and friends I have made here in Saskatoon. It will be good to return home but I will miss the new life I have made here.

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