This blog is a testament to my world. A life that functionally exists in two worlds which, at times, are seemly at odds and yet are equally similar at heart. This blog is my attempt at explaining to both worlds I live in the matters important to my heart and my life. Its my way of trying to make the two worlds I live in one while also staying true to myself as a Lesbian Christian.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

let your light shine through

I am preparing a sermon for this upcoming Sunday on John 6:24-35. It will be the last time I will give a sermon at my home congregation before I leave for seminary in the fall. It is a strange thing to prepare a sermon. Fun, intriguing, prayer inciting, frustrating,and in the end rewarding. It feels good to almost be done...but there is always those questions in the back of my head...what will they think? will it be good enough? Did I play it too safe? Did I proclaim the gospel of grace? I pray it will go over well and that it will convey what I think God has been showing me...but I know that my Father and God of grace is bigger then my sermon, and will accept my efforts as meek as they may be, and turn them into a beautiful offering from my heart. I will post it here after sunday so stay tuned :) Skakes

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